I do declare today’s word is GRAND

It’s hard to believe, after 20 sluggish years
That once upon a rainy eve, I stood alongside peers
With wonder, awe, and aspiring hopeful bliss,
This quest was one I did not want to miss.
Cause frankly y’all I did give a damn
With my court of 8 and my dog, King Sam.

We gathered together to get ourselves ready,
Nerves were amiss, we needed to stay steady.
Our GRAND royal court were all dressed the part
But things went wacky and weird right from the start.
Stuck in an elevator … it just wasn’t fittin’
Two blocks from the event for 40 some minutes.
Costumed in layers of frills, and rain gear too
It got very warm, but we kept our cool.
Now I’m pretty sure someone cussed
Till finally the Eugene Fire Department rescued us!
I made it just in time to show
My regal attempt with my southern glow.

For the talent portion, I had a GRAND plan
To sing, dance, and use my fan.
Singing LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU, I dropped my dress
With thoughts that this was bound to impress.
Dancing to the Slugamotion filled with soul
With slithering moves, to finish was our goal.
I said, “If they try to stop our dance
Just keep moving and don’t give them a chance.”
So, we stayed the course and proved our worth
With song and dance filled with mirth.
Now the buzzer rang, but we all knew to stay
Next thing I knew, two “old queens” carried me away!
It was downright hilarious, we looked like fools
While I’m kicking and screaming, “There are no rules”!

I answered the question with an “Oh fiddle dee dee
I’ll think about that tomorrow, y’all listen to me.”
My platform was important, it needed to be heard
For everyone present, each and every word.
“No wardrobe malfunction with what we wear
Uplift and unify, I do declare!
To reign as Queen would be such a blessing
I’m Scarlett O’Slimera and I approve this message.”
With bribes and charm, I was destined to be crowned,
In downtown Eugene – I just love this unique town.

I’m proud as punch that I had a GRAND ball
As God as my witness, there would be no hunger at all.
Folks came with canned food goods aplenty
Over 2,000 pounds brought comfort to so many.
Now older and slower as a dazzlingly “very old queen”
I’m most grateful and able to still make the scene.
And rather than slimy, I prefer to be slick
Dang these past 20 years sure did go by quick.
If you’ve lasted this long, I must command
Best wishes to y’all and may life be GRAND!

Blessings y’all
Peace & love
Queen Scarlett


  1. I think it’s great that you’ve been able to spread joy for twenty years. Keep up the good work Little Queenie.

  2. Indra Stern-Hayworth

    My Dear Queenie,
    Absolutely an outstanding review or overview of a colossally hilarious string of events! A couple of days ago, as I too was flashing on the wonders of that life chapter – I googled “% odds of being stuck in an elevator”!…it’s a “thing”!
    You have the rare standing of being one in 16 million❣️
    Yours truly,
    Page Be Leaf

    • Dear Indi/ Page Be Leaf…thanks for the statistics! What a pleasure sharing all the wacky fun. Glad we made it to the coronation just in time. I was destined to be S.L.U.G. Queen. Enjoy time with your mom & family❤️

  3. Beautiful!

  4. Old Queen SluGoddess SlimeShine

    I can’t wait to see you honored for your Glorious 20 years of Rain! It will be most Slimetasitc

    • Dear SluGoddess Slime Shine…your comment is greatly appreciated. I’m excited for a ‘Slimetastic’ time with you & old queens…ready to crown our next S.L.U.G. Queen!

  5. Raven and I remember that fateful night. It was a hoot! Excited to celebrate you, very very old queen Scarlett!

  6. Ginger Stephenson

    H, what fun it must have been to be there! You will always be Her Royal Highness!

    Flks may wonder was that pun intended?

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