May any scars we have be worn proudly.

Moi, Dawn, and Marvelous

Moi, Dawn, and Marvelous

I do declare the word today is SCAR.

They don’t call me Scar-lett for nothing. After five years of witnessing heartbreaking encounters, with way too many doctors, I had the honor and privilege to donate my right kidney to our dear daughter, my precious princess, Dawn Ora. That was back in 1995. The best gift I’ve ever given. And dang, but I am proud as punch to wear my 12-inch scar from that transplant!


May any SCARs we have be worn proudly.


Blessings to y’all

Peace & Love,
Queen Scarlett


  1. Martha J Snyder

    Thanks for the gift of your reflections. I would guess you might have been at the Deepak Chopra last night. How must it be to hold all that powerful information in your head and to spread it to the willing, ….not unlike yourself.
    Namaste, Martha

  2. What a great gift you gave. Thanks to people like you, I also have a donated kidney. Bless you.
    Jude McKay’s sister.

  3. I remember that moment well. You are an inspiration. Love you all so much…

    • Dear CC…you too are an inspirational sister/ friend.
      Looking forward to our reunion…whenever.
      Marvelous and I are heading back to Nashville next week.
      While there, where we wed & you were a witness…
      We will celebrate # 47!
      Love to you & yours

  4. A thoughtful and inspiring message. Such a generous and courageous act by both of you. Love, Joan.

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