May HUMILITY become second nature.

This photo (not from the RG) was snapped by friend Maurya Kaarhus.

I do declare today’s word is HUMILITY.

Recently I was marching, dancing, and sashaying down the streets at the Eugene Parade start of Sunday Streets.

I just love a parade! Well lo and behold, the next morning there was a photo of me, with my name, along with another queen or two, right smack on the front page of the Register Guard.

Turns out, this is not the first time my picture has appeared in that location. I feel like this latest surprise photo possibly balances the karma from whence it all started. You see, the day after being crowned a SLUG Queen, there was a little picture of me on the front page of the RG.

Our dear friends from Deadwood had been nesting at our royal palace and wrote their grocery list right next to my photo. Well, I never! Though taken aback, I was so grateful for receiving the crown, I just let it go. Thinking back… I was getting a major lesson in humility.

Many years later, the library had an event that had newspaper photos and other memorabilia of all the many queens over the years. I brought my pitiful, written on, clipping of the original photo and dang, but a few queens setting up the show did more clipping and that photo is ”gone with the wind”!

So for whatever it’s worth… I am humbled and most grateful to be presented in our newspaper again, having fun and sharing the joy.

May HUMILITY become second nature.
Blessings to y’all

Peace & Love
Queen Scarlett

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