I do declare today’s word is END
Here we are closer to the year-END of 2023
Dang it’s been a whirlwind … a most surreal reality.
Filled with some heartbreaking headlines.
I proclaim some mandatory guidelines.
True to my queenly spirit … I demand a ruling
Be done with war that is always grueling.
I exclaim peace for a happy ENDing!
It’s high time to evolve and start transcending
How about practicing Thanksgiving day-to-day
Simply choosing peace for a progressive pathway.
No END in sight since I started writing blogs 6 years ago
Lo and behold at #100, I’m aiming to keep up the tempo.
Now sound the trumpets for a triumphant forecasting
Peace for humanity till the END that is everlasting.
In conclusion, let’s follow our bliss and start 2024
With kindness, goodness and gratitude galore!
May the END be happy
Blessings y’all
Peace & love
Queen Scarlett
What a lovely post! Sending light and love to you, my dear friend, and your wonderful family☮️
Thanks dear Ginger for your continued friendship in this lifetime. Sharing our southern roots is most royal. Love always❤️
Adam has been here and it was great. I’m glad he got to spend time with his cousins and Uncle Dave.
Thanks Uncle Dave for reading my #100th blog. So glad Adam has been representing us Cypress family with the rest of y’all back in Nashville. Party on!
Darling, what a lovely post. Yes, PEACE is everything and so urgent in my prayers everyday.
Have fun at your writers event!
Miss you, and hope to see you soon!
100 and still getting better all the time!
PS, love your little post punk black outfit…
Dear Angela…what a treat reading your supportive comment. I miss you too & look forward to getting together. MORE PEACE! Love you❤️