I do declare today’s word is PROCEED
Moving forward on this wild journey I have declared
To aim for lofty heights and be prepared.
It’s high time for better days and to PROCEED
Staying positive and curiously alert, yes indeed.
And as we PROCEED along life’s pathways
Stay Steady on the course through each shifting phase
Sometimes staggering backwards, we gotta stay aware
Always best to PROCEED with caution and care.
Even rose-colored glasses won’t block out the civil fuss
Such senseless unruliness just makes me want to cuss.
I’ll be playing music a lot louder while plugging through
To drown out bad news that is downright pooh-pooh.
I want to keep stepping out with upbeat, rhythmic dance
Though moving a bit slower, I’m still determined to advance.
As long as the heavens keep shining sun beams
Step by step I will believe and manifest my dreams
As the years go by faster, you never know life’s duration
May we PROCEED with hope toward the next new creation.
Blessings y’all
Peace & love
Queen Scarlett
We spent the first 5 days in our new home with no internet and no TV and depended on my old iPod (found in a drawer while packing) for entertainment – everything from the Grateful Dead to classical. Lots of dancing and smiling as we tackled the boxes. (Still have LOTS of boxes!)
Dear Ginger…PROCEED slowly tackling those boxes. You’ve got the rest of your life in your new home. Wishes for comfy, peaceful days.❤️
March on Queenie & yes, one can take the road slow…there’s no big rush to go, go, go…
Smiles & Twinkles –
Page Be Leaf
Thanks dear Indi…I couldn’t have said it better! Hoping to PROCEED as grandma, GO GO, with get up & GO.
Well I dew declare… That’s a wise directive to all of us on the path to lasting sanity. It’s been a tough road lately. Thanks for the lovely poem.
You are still THE QUEEN!!!
Thanks brother Bruce…your encouragement is especially meaningful. I do declare I love you❣️
That is a lovely poem m’dear! I’m creeping, but in a forward manner!
Dear Fax…what a pleasant surprise! Thanks for your encouraging comment. Stay safe & be well
Thanks Fax…what a pleasant surprise! No need to rush…
take it easy…stay safe & be well
Eugene’s Poet and Spritual Cheerleader
Queen Scarlett aka Joan Gold(en) Cypress
A most gracious THANK YOU,
Cheers to our rhythm of life!
Thanks oh lighthearted plus light on your tapping toes Ceil…your comment is received with utmost gratitude❣️