

May your days surely be filled with intrigue …

I do declare today’s word is SURELY.

It’s been said a picture is worth a thousand words …

From my daddy, I got my smile

From my momma, I got my style

It’s only fittin’ that I introduce myself.

I am Queen Scarlett O’Slimera 2004 S.L.U.G. 

SLUG stands for Society for the Legitimization of Ubiquitous Gastropods.

I like to think of myself as slick, rather than slimy.

I move a bit slowly, but surely.

I am new to blogging, with an intention to not bore you.

I’ll try to keep the words skimpy and the message intriguing.

Blessings to y’all,

May our days surely be filled with intrigue,

Peace & Love,
Queen Scarlett


  1. How fun to see you doing this Joanie <3 Surely do love you…

  2. So great to see you here Joanie! Surely do love you <3

  3. Rockin’ it, Joan!

  4. You look fabulous! And I can’t wait to see this book in print and hear it in audio!

  5. Surely you got your style from Shirley.

  6. Wow weeeeeeeeeee!!! I love every bit of it so far… And Broadfunk sounds sooooo cool.
    Looking forward to what’s next.

  7. Making me smile.

  8. Love the rap! It’ll be fun to watch this party grow.

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