I do declare today’s word is REFRESHED

I’ve been taking some needed time to reflect
Though a bit rusty on writing, I still can recollect
How much I enjoy making rhymes to share and unify
And hope folks read this and maybe get a reply.
With summer warmth the garden needs tending
Pulling the whacky weeds seems never-ending.
Watering plants and making sure I stay hydrated
Brings recharged momentum to see what gets created.
Taking time for stillness surely helps to free the brain
Calms the nerves for upcoming events so I may entertain.
Ambiance singing and dancing at the Oregon Country Fair
It’s a fabulous opportunity to fashion my coconuts flair.
Enthusiasm for family camping puts me in a good mood
Plus staying cool by the pool gives me an uplifted attitude.
I must take downtime seriously with a good night snooze
Life is more positive when I’m REFRESHED with new visions and views.
May we feel REFRESHED
Blessings y’all
Peace and love
Queen Scarlett
What a hoot! Queenie your hooters are sublime…hee, hee, hee…
Thank you for the reminder –
Page Be Leaf
Thanks & my coconuts have been playing along for many a country fair. They’re polished & ready for for more percussion! See y’all at the fair
Refreshing waves of love to you mom. I love you.
Thanks my dearest Dawn…you are always a REFRESHing inspiration of love❣️
Thanks for your Summer-y summary
And for your Country Fair fare.
Though weeds are a pain
The flowers that remain
All look so much better
When you care that they’re wetter.
Thanks for your sweet words
From me and the hummingbirds.
Dear Jude…thanks so very much for your pleasing poetic reply. I’m royally grateful for you & Clare in this good life!
Love the coconuts – you have always been such a style maven! and love to you and all your family. Stay cool!
Thanks dear Ginger…miss you & hope to meet your granddaughter one of these daze. Big love to you & yours
“REFRESH”!! Ditto:-)
As my Mississippi mother used to say:
“ The difference between hope and despair is a good nights sleep”
You are the best, Queen Scarlet!