I do declare today’s word is PERSEVERE
I give major thanks for the thrill of being alive.
It’s a wonder how we all get by and survive.
Whoa … the start of 2024 was not so happy
Indeed, for me, it was downright scrappy.
Between cursed Covid, then an icy storm
The power went out and I wanted to transform
Into a healthy, patient, more resilient Queen
Good and ready for a more favorable routine.
Aiming to stay on course for a creative birthday year
Clearly my mantra is to PERSEVERE!
Further along with teachings from the I Ching
Surrendering to what life will bring.
Adjusting to changes … learning lessons for sure
Going with the flow to endure.
Counting on courage to continue with grace
Saving room for wishful breathing space.
Gotta keep my dreams alive … I don’t want to give up
May we all PERSEVERE further. Here’s cheers with a full cup!
Blessings y’all
Peace & love
Queen Scarlett

May the END be happy!

I do declare today’s word is END Here we are closer to the year-END of 2023Dang it’s been a whirlwind … a most surreal reality.Filled with some heartbreaking headlines.I proclaim some mandatory guidelines.True to my queenly spirit … I demand a rulingBe done with war that is always grueling. I…

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May we feel REFRESHED

I do declare today’s word is REFRESHED I’ve been taking some needed time to reflectThough a bit rusty on writing, I still can recollectHow much I enjoy making rhymes to share and unifyAnd hope folks read this and maybe get a reply.With summer warmth the garden needs tendingPulling the whacky…

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May TRAILS connect us

I do declare today’s word is TRAILS. I’ve been stepping out more lately and finding some new TRAILSWith gratitude and inspiration, I’m ready to write new tales Chomping at the bit before venturing out on new frontiersI’m tuning into the upcoming event with its sweet musical spheres. With royal thanks for family and…

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I do declare today’s word is PROCEEDMoving forward on this wild journey I have declaredTo aim for lofty heights and be prepared.It’s high time for better days and to PROCEEDStaying positive and curiously alert, yes indeed.And as we PROCEED along life’s pathwaysStay Steady on the course through each shifting phaseSometimes…

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